Thursday, October 19, 2006

Matt's Top 5 GameCube Games

These are my personal top 5 GameCube titles, anyone who has a GameCube needs to have these games, they're all bloody amazing!

1. The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Well its Zelda so it had to be good. Its absolutely massive and the sword-fighting is better than ever. Personally I think the cell shaded graphics were a little unnecessary for a Zelda game, but I still think it still looks brilliant.

2. Metroid Prime

One of those games that just feels expensive, like a big budget Hollywood movie only much better. Great environments, great music, great storyline, great creature designs and the hardest final boss fight ever!

3. Resident Evil 4

This is exactly what the series needed after the inadequate resident evil 3. Easily the best resident evil yet, taking all the best bits from previous games and getting rid of those frustrating camera angles. One of the most entertaining and satisfying games I've ever played, and its bloody scary too!

4. Super Smash Bros. Melee

This sequel makes the n64 version look absolutely rubbish- its 10 times faster (perhaps a little too fast...), has hugely better graphics and loads of trophies to collect. It's the perfect multiplayer game, and theres sooo much to unlock in single player, this game lasts for ages.

5. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

I'm not really a fan of RPG's but this one had me hooked from start to finish. Its funny, its cute and has extremely varied gameplay, plus the visuals and character designs are brilliant.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this game very much its good.