Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What's In A Blog?

I've been putting this off for the last week and have typically gone and left it to the last minute. Now while my flat mates enjoy pizza and trivial pursuit's (haven't these people heard of Mario Kart?) I'm sat in my room all by myself stressing over my first ever blog. The thing is I not only find it hard writing in general but talking about myself and my opinions is also quite a scary task for me. Anyway I'm sure this will get easier with time.

The only blogs that I've read prior to this task are ones posted by people of interest to me, like friends on myspace, or blogs from my favorite musicians and so on. I have never really been interested in reading blogs posted by people that I don't know, what's the point? So I had a quick look at some other blogs, mostly for inspiration. The majority of blogs seem to be short and concentrate on one particular subject, with the blogger expressing their own personal opinions on the topic. None of them are too formal and the blogger usually tries to convey their own personality within their posts, using their own style - something that I will need to develop. I've found that reading blogs posted by people who are of a similar age group to me and who share the same kind of interests as me is definitely more engaging than I thought.

Alright sorry about the rubbish first blog, I promise my next blog will be much more exciting with funny pictures and links and all sorts.


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