Monday, January 01, 2007

Twilight Princess

Probably the best Zelda game so far, well... based on the other four Zelda games I've played. It's not perfect though, there were perhaps a few too many dungeons and not enough side quests, I'd like to have spent more time doing missons around Hyrule rather than just going from dungeon to dungeon. But apart from that it was bloody brilliant, good storyline, very satisfying combat and the last hour of the game will probably be one of my most memorable video gaming experiences.

It also has one of my favoutite video game characters ever- Midna; an impudent little imp-like girl who accompanies you throughout the game. I spent the first part of the game convinced she was up to no good, but I still felt sad when I had to carry her debilitated body to princess Zelda after Zant messed her up after the third dungeon. A nice example of the significance of establishing emotional bonds with NPC's that I talked about in a previous post.

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