Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wii Can Do Anything

Nintendo's goal of getting the whole family to play video games sounded a little over ambitious to me at first. I really couldn't imagine my mum, dad or sister ever taking video games seriously. However, over the christmas holiday I actually found myself playing Wii sports with all 3 of them - my mum, my dad and my 22 year old sister. The thing is I didn't have to persuade them to play, I didn't even ask them if they wanted a go on wii bowling, they asked ME! repeatedly!

This wasn't the only time either, on boxing day I was playing wii bowling with my auntie, my mum and my 9 year old cousin. Frustratingly my mum won after a string of strikes - I was mortified. Since then I've also been playing wii sports fairly regularly with friends from my halls, mainly girls.

I can't see any of them trawling through games like Zelda any time soon but as long as Nintendo can keep providing simple, easy to play family games I really think the Wii can help Nintendo reclaim their place as the industry leader.

Well done Nintendo, I'm sorry I doubted you, it won't happen again.

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